

Prayer is the foundation

We know that ‘unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain.’ (Psalm 127:1) So therefore, prayer is not only a key to fulfilling our vision, it’s ‘THE KEY.’

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We have a good number of people that kindly pray for the work of WSM, but we really want and need to grow the prayer cover to ensure general and specific aspects and needs of the ministry are lifted up before our Father God.


Prayer is required for:

Staff, volunteers and their families - protection and well-being.
Leaders - wisdom and heart.
Impact - hearts to be touched through projects and strategies.
Planning - wisdom and guidance
Open doors - opportunities to partner and ‘GO’ into new people groups, places and sports cultures.
Provision - funding to ‘GO’ & Grow. 

Could you please consider praying for us?
If so, please complete this form and we will be in touch to tell you more about how we will communicate things for you to pray into, over and for.

Thank You.


amy lavery, 10/12/2019