
Starting Teams  

Partnering with others to plant and grow disciple-making
sports ministry teams.


71 teams
In 12 nations
Reaching thousands of people

God loves community (people), He created sport and He works in teams. For this reason, we seek to partner with others to help begin Community Sports Teams (CST’s) that aim to serve the local church and reach local people - relevantly.

The Father, Son and Spirit model ‘TEAM’ to us so well, and the first thing Jesus did in His adult ministry after 40 days in the wilderness, was build a ‘TEAM.’ 

Therefore, we believe that building a team enables sports ministry to become:

            Strong – there are more people adding to the vision and carrying out its work
            Significant – the diversity of giftings enables powerful ministry
            Successive – ministry activity doesn’t need to end when one person stops 

    “Our ministry impact is so much greater having learned how to build a team. I have now gone on to encourage many other teams to begin in different parts of our country.”
    - Ruboneka, DRC

The purpose of a CST is:

            ENABLE and support the ‘body’ to do sports ministry
            EQUIP sports-minded believers as disciple-makers
            ENGAGE with people with disciple-making strategies

    “I never realised that I could serve God significantly until I became a part of this team and learned how to do so.”
    - Fran, Bristol CST, UK


amy lavery, 10/12/2019